Friday, October 2, 2015

Just a Theory

What are some theories involving the family? Let's see...
First, there's a theory about structure. How are we structured? We are all raised in a different societies that affect us in different ways. Children especially learn from their society, like school, because they soak it up the most. This is the most important time in their lives because this is when they are truly structured. Families as a whole are structured by their surrounding people and resources.
Second, is the symbolic theory. Unless you are part of the same family, no one is raised the same way. We learn our mannerisms, habits, etc. from our family. We are all diverse in our symbols that we portray.
Third, are conflict theories.Conflict can include feminism, racism, profiling, or just straight hatred. Every family can have conflict within each other or outside of the family. Society today causes huge conflicts that can attack the family unity, but it is important to stick together as a family and remain strong in your beliefs.
In conclusion, the family is important to society. The way children are raised impacts future generations and leaders. These theories are important to research and understand so that we can all strive to gain better insight to the family.

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